midnight 20

On the surface, Midnight 20 is a social data science company
working to solve really difficult problems.

Behind the scenes, M20 is working on our Intent Model: studying artificial empathy and its effect on consumer behavior.

We’re using the latest in data science methods, combined with our own data models and software, to provide the insight you need to make better tough decisions.

We can help you understand dramatic shifts in sales, identify new product opportunities, understand the rise and fall of traffic, provide insight into conversion rates, tell you how to rank better in search, and even help you understand your visitors behavior. 

We work with small to mid-size businesses that derive a significant portion of sales leads or direct revenue from the web (and e-commerce). No matter the problem, we can help you analyze the data to figure out what went wrong, where it went wrong, and why it went wrong. Most importantly, we can help identify a solution to fix it. 

At Midnight 20, we help you overcome the impossible, because that’s what we live to do.

Market Insight

Stand out from the crowd by finding your niche and taking advantage of opportunities that your competition might not have.  

Customer Insight

Know your customers to find more of them – why they’re choosing you, why some are leaving, and what they truly want.

Web Traffic Insight

Gain insight into shifts in online traffic and trends. Why are they visiting you, how do you get them to come back, and ultimately buy.

SEO Insight

Learn where to target your SEO efforts. Identify opportunities, improve rankings, and build a strategy to get more, better traffic.

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